Friday, March 20, 2009

My fun day with fred

It was Freds turn to have a fun day all about her. so we started out by going to my work to try to get my paycheck. I wasn't there yet, but the neighbors were out working with their horses, so Hayley and I walked over to ask if we could pet one of them. They not only let her pet the horses but the let her ride on one of them. Oh I wish that I would have brought my camera me she loved her horsey ride. after her ride we had a little time before we had to get Jody up to the college so we went to visit Aunt Kim and she bought us an Ice cream, Fred ate all of hers then most of mine. We got Jody up to the school and my paycheck still wasn't ready so we went to the park and played on the swings and slides. Hayley even went down the twisty slide on her belly. I decided that it was time to check on my paycheck again so we drove by my work to see if my boss was there (still no paycheck) so we went to the park by the zoo. while we were swinging we saw LuAnn and Judy out for their walk so we went over to say hi, and walked with them to the zoo to look at the monkeys and birds. After we were there for a while I got a call that my paycheck was here so we hurried to pick it up then we ran got it cashed, and got some lunch for Fred, hurried to pick Jody up for her class and get me back just a few minutes late for work. While I was at Work Hayley and her mom (Jody) went and got Hayley a couple of new outfits and a pair of new shoes, then they came back to my work to entertain the residents with Fred singing and dancing for them, and pretty much just being the cutie that she is. But pretty much I would say that my little Fred got to have a pretty good day with Hauntie. And Hauntie is pretty much exhausted!

1 comment:

Karen said...

It sounds like you have an awesome time! What a great person you are.
Love you!